Central Hawkes Bay District Council Report

Leading locally

Stand out

Central Hawke’s Bay District Council is well led by a capable mayor and chief executive. Council leaders have an excellent understanding of issues across the community and good progress is being made to meet service delivery needs and expectations.

Council is operating well under the leadership of an experienced mayor. Elected members are working well as a team, and they display high levels of motivation to make a positive difference across the district.

Investing money well

Performing well

Council’s core premise is to meet expressed community need and to resolve issues inherent in historical operating and funding models. Commitment to secure adequate funding is high, but careful management will be required to ensure budgets are balanced in the future.

Council understands its financial position and service delivery challenges, and it has considered the financial implications of resolving these. Through clear communication with its communities, Council has developed a sound financial strategy. 

Delivering what’s important

Performing well

Council’s approach to service delivery has been transformed in recent years. It is now operating with a high degree of professionalism. Systems and processes have been improved to ensure services are delivered at expected levels.

Council’s commitment to service delivery has been critical to its transformation. Best practices are now embedded along with the flexibility for innovation to further improve service delivery effectiveness.

High quality service delivery is fundamental to Council’s aspirations as it strives to meet the service delivery expectations of residents and businesses across the district.

Listening and responding

Stand out

Council’s engagement with the community and external stakeholders is exemplary. Staff commitment to communicate effectively with external stakeholders is high, and there is an acknowledgement that effective engagement with Māori groups needs more attention.

Council has an excellent understanding of community needs and expectations, and its efforts to engage effectively have been well-received.