News & Media

Below you will find media releases about the CouncilMARK™ Programme. For all media enquiries related to the programme please contact:

For media enquiries please contact:

James Craw 
Senior Media Advisor
021 847 256


For programme enquiries please contact:

Elke Thompson
021 728682

CouncilMARK™ is an independent assessment programme that assesses how councils are performing and is designed to support individual councils to improve the service and value they provide.

Local Government New Zealand highly commends Central Hawke’s Bay District Council’s leadership and commitment to delivering for their community, which is highlighted in its newly released CouncilMARK report.

Local Government New Zealand’s independent CouncilMARK programme is giving Mackenzie District Council’s performance a tick of approval in its second assessment. Since the last assessment in 2018, the Council has improved its operations in several key areas with communications and engagement being the standout.

Local Government New Zealand’s CouncilMark™ programme is giving Horowhenua District Council’s performance a tick of approval in its second independent assessment. LGNZ President Stuart Crosby says Horowhenua ratepayers can be pleased with their council’s efforts and trajectory.

LGNZ are praising the latest council to receive their second CouncilMARK™ report, saying that the Far North District Council’s approach to the programme shows the huge benefits that it can drive for councils, communities and ratepayers.

Ruapehu District Council has become one of a handful of councils to receive a second CouncilMARK™ report, and have been lauded by the programme’s Independent Assessment Board for the way they have used the first report to drive improvement for ratepayers.

Masterton district ratepayers should be pleased with the results of a second report into their council’s performance, says the chair of local government assessors CouncilMARK™, particularly in the critical areas of service delivery and asset management, and ratepayers are being encouraged to pick up the report to find out more…

South Taranaki District Council has received their second CouncilMARK™ report, retaining their BBB rating and gaining praise for significant improvement in their council communications and clear vision since their first assessment in 2017.

Waitaki District Council has received a very positive BBB rating in their first ever CouncilMARK™ assessment, earning praise for their long term thinking and saving for future infrastructure renewals, while receiving a range of recommendations to address challenges around the region’s changing population, demographics and economy.

Ōtorohanga District Council has received their first CouncilMARK™ report today, finding a small council focused on core priorities, that is facing increasing pressure to meet growing community and infrastructure expectations.